DGFT Digital Signature
DGFT Digital Signature certificate is available with 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year validity options. Only organisations having active or expired IEC certificates can apply for this DSC.
If you have a valid or latest DSC token or USB dongle, then no need to buy a new one. But if you are applying a digital signature for the first time or your token version is outdated, you have to buy a new token.
We have given you the option to select courier or speed post providers. So select the one if you have any preference. If you are from a rural area where courier service is not available, select the speed post option only.
DGFT DSC price starts from Rs.1699/- onwards. The higher the validity, the higher the DSC price will be. Similarly, the price of a signature with encryption will be higher than only the signature DSC type. You should select the DSC as per your need. Check the below usage of DSC to get a brief idea of what type of DSC is suitable for you.
The above list is subject to change without any prior notice.
DGFT digital signature usage
DGFT digital signature is designed for the DGFT portal. This DSC is issued after receiving approval from the DGFT department of India. an ICE certificate is mandatory to apply for this certificate. We can use this DSC for the following activities.
- DGFT – Foreign Trade, Country of Origin Code
- GST, Income Tax, EPF, Trademark Registration.
- MCA21, ROC, Director KYC, Invoice Signing.
- AICTE, CBSE Institutes.
Alternate DSC Products
Check the following products as per your requirements.
- Class 3 Digital Signature
- Class 2 Digital Signature
- Digital Signature for Foreign Individuals and Organisations
Satasign is a GST-registered DSC supplier. We are an approved and authenticated RA. We have associated with top-rated certifying authorities to sell digital signatures in bulk.
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